Sketches from COV-ID visual diary

 Sketches from COV-ID 2020 visual diary...

As Covid spread, cities, towns and villages became eerily quiet, as people were advised to stay in their homes...
Coventry was no different.

Travel was restricted. I missed Dorsett, my family and friends and Nellie our family tortoise.


Pubs, shops and leisure centres were closed. Cash and coins were no longer the currency.

Entrance to supermarkets were ticketed and socially distanced. Online shopping and home delivery purchases soared! Some items from one of my weekly shopping extravaganzas!

Who knew the home was such a dangerous place? Injuries and incidents - a daily occurrence. 

When the Queen addressed the nation......

COV-ID 20: Coventry Isolation Diaries 2020

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   COV- ID 20 

The Coventry Isolation Diaries 2020. A visual diary that documents my personal experience of Lockdown 1 in Coventry, England during 2020.....

Coventry Isolation Diaries is part of the Cov Sketchbook collection, a project to celebrate Coventry, City of Culture 2021. 

Sketchbooks from the collection can be seen on Cov Sketchbook (Instagram) and the online platform Coventry Digital.

A BEAF (Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe) Festival Commission 2018

'Little Boscombe'

A commissioned hand-made scaled streetscape model of Christchurch Road, (1900-2018) Boscombe high street built for B-E-A-F 2018. 


The existing buildings of the Royal Arcade and O2 are enlarged and pixilated photographs that form the backdrop to the scene. Flashing disco lights in the top floor windows of the O2 depict the current use of the building. The long - gone, grand entrance to the Hippodrome is represented in cardboard with the slightly ajar doors giving glimpses into the long corridor leading to the auditorium.

Boscombe's past shop fronts, inhabitants and performing animals are shown in black and white, whilst the present community are shown in colour. Each day more  present day visitors to the high street are added, showing the rich, bustling nature of Christchurch Road.

The Boscombe police box serves as a little- known elevator providing the peculiar caretaker (Dr. Raymond) access to the tunnels that lie deep below the high street. The modelled tunnels below are based on local legend and a big dollop of fantasy, as there are no drawings or photographs on which to base them. These dark, damp tunnels lead to the rear of the then Hippodrome allowing safe and secret passage of the performing animals.

The structure of the earth below the high street can also be seen. Dense layers of sand and rock supporting old Victorian sewers and further down in the depths,  well-preserved dinosaur fossils and the jaw of a megladon.

'Little Boscombe'